
Showing posts from June, 2023

Networking to Help a Community

 We looked at networking and education this week, but there is more to education than what you can learn in a school.  I found this article, which I found to be interesting, about how networking can help a community: 6 Benefits Of Networking & The Importance of Community

Why Use the Tool?

 In keeping with my attempt to stay with CPR, the title of the last entry on this week's reading list caught my eye: Salomon, G. (2016).  It’s not just the tool but the educational rationale that counts Actions . In E. Elstad (Ed.),  Educational Technology and Polycontextual Bridging  (pp. 149-161). Rotterdam: SensePublishers. Many think of CPR and believe there is no reason for them to even learn.  I've heard things like: 911 will be there It won't make any difference Someone else will know what to do The sad fact is that every minute CPR isn't done on someone who needs it, there is a 10% decrease in the likelihood they will survive. Here is the rationale of why CPR matters: Why Learn CPR

CPR Training Network

 I found this to be an interesting title because, until recently, the American Heart Association's instructor website was known as the Instructor Network.  When Google is used, the original site still pops up, but you are redirected to their "new" site, but the content is very similar.  It is an online network where instructors can communicate in forums, ask questions, give advice, and drop not-so-subtle hints to the AHA to help make training better for the students. AHA Instructor Network

Guides for Online Content Creation

  Maybe it's just me, but there seem to be way too many "how-to's" out there and very little clarity on how and when you should or should not do certain things regarding online content creation.  I could be alone on this one, but I could not get this week's selection on the social media guide to open.  This seems rather comical but also fitting, as there seems to always be someone out there preaching this is how you should do it!

Digital Fingerprints

 Some of the readings this week gave me pause.  It can be easy to forget that we constantly leave our digital fingerprints.  The information that can be gathered about us when taking online courses, such as MOOCs, is rather amazing and, frankly, a little scary. Be mindful of what digital trail you are leaving....

Caught in the Web

 This week's readings really highlighted how intertwined the web is.  No matter what you post or even what sites you simply visit, your information is out there, and you can almost never take it back.  I remember with nostalgia when webs were much simpler:

Building a Collaborative Database to Save Lives

 While experts have widely agreed on the steps communities can take to help save lives, until recently, those steps were never shared in a public manner.  Success was generally found blindly or by sharing things that work between communities.   Citizen CPR Foundation has created a systematic way to help and judge communities to become and maintain a HEARTSafe Community.  Not only does this help the residents of those communities, but the communities also receive signs that can be displayed around the community, a form of "badge" awarded for completing something. HEARTSafe Communities

Crowdsourcing and CPR Training

 In 2019 I had the amazing opportunity to attend the Citizens for CPR Summit.  At the end of the summit, many of us joined in the mass CPR training session.  The attendance flyer did not do it justice when it said:  "CPR Mass Training Event and Survivor Gathering Thursday, after end of afternoon sessions, don’t miss the CPR Mass Training event organized by the Local Planning Committee (LPC) and open to the public, which is the culmination of an 8-month video project highlighting “CPR in the Community” events leading up to the Summit. Also, meet the large gathering of survivors that the LPC and Survivor Committee are bringing together. For further information, visit" This was highlighted below: Keep your eyes open as these types of events happen all over the place and sometimes in the least expected locations.

Using Social Media To Enhance CPR Awareness

 This week's readings included community awareness through the use of social media platforms.  Below is a link to the past recipients of PSA videos on the importance of CPR and its impact on saving the lives of strangers and those you love and care about. PSA/Video Minute Contest


 Since this week's topics include community, I thought back to some of the community-based CPR programs I have seen.  While I am not a Big Blue fan, they did come up with an award-winning PSA on how to do Hands-Only CPR.  Take a look! How to perform hands only CPR -- The Michigan way

A Little Humor
