
Showing posts from July, 2023

Peer Assisted Education

 One of the reading selections this week pertained to peer blogging and its effects on peers' attitudes on a few different measurement points.  I remembered reading a study about peer-assisting education on CPR and if peer education was any more effective than traditional instruction.  I don't want to ruin the surprise, but I found the results surprising. Peer-Assisted Education

Social Media and Education

 When I think of social media and education, the first thing that comes to mind is a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course).  I think that by default, with the sheer numbers of people involved in a MOOC and the collaboration that they inherently foster, they are a social media platform, but maybe just not one that is open to everyone.  Just my opinion anyway. What is a MOOC

Assessing Collaborative Experiences

 When thinking about online collaboration experiences and how they are measured, one thing popped into my mind.  FEMA has an extensive online course catalog, and with every course, there is an evaluation at the end.  FEMA has amassed enormous amounts of data about its courses and their performance. These courses are not just for government people but also for first responders, community members, and combinations of all walks of life.  Here is a brief overview of the classes and why people should take them: FEMA Training and Education

Community Building and Social Media

 So, when I decided to look and see if our local library system had social media, I was rather surprised to see that the County has invested quite a bit into social media.  The County seems to be trying to use social media to get messages out on a wide range of topics, from the local libraries, busses, land usage, local parks, public safety, and even visitor and convention bureau.  I was rather impressed with the "library" of social media links they have for the public. Lee County Social Media

Healthcare and Social Networking

 In my normal fashion, I looked to see what the American Heart Association had to say about social networking.  It turns out that the AHA has invested heavily in social media as their way of social networking.  They even have what they call a Social Media Hub.  I found it rather interesting and thought I would share it with you: Social Media Hub

CPR and Pintrest

 Since this week's reading included Pintrest, and since I try and tie CPR into the weekly readings, a simple search brought up the American Heart Association's Pintrest page (of course they have one).  So here it is: AHA's Pintrest

Social Media Has Gone Too Far

 I get it.  Social media is everywhere.  But now, there is an entire Social Media Instruction Design Model  that Boise State is putting out there. However, it was an interesting read.

Social Media in Higher Education

 I know it is no surprise to anyone in this class, but social media is everywhere and is an important part of higher education.  Boy, that is one sentence I never thought I would write, but there it is.  The following link has 14 Essential Tips for social media and higher education.

The American Heart Association and Social Media

 I found it surprising, but when I did a simple Google search, even the AHA (and the American Stroke Association) use social media far more than I expected.  When I looked into it, they are apparently emphasizing the use of social media and expanding their impact on the younger demographics entering the field.  The following link is all about their use of Social Media for the Early Career Researcher .